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s p a c e s l o u n g e

A place where you can find the upcoming Twitter spaces.

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Why Spaces Lounge?


Curate a list of creators that you’re interested in

Have ever had to scroll through the Twitter spaces section trying to find a space from your favorite creators, well with spaces lounge creates a creator list and easily view their scheduled spaces

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Easily filter through tags and topics to find what’s interests you

Would love to give public speaking with twitter spaces a go, but don't know how to find spaces dedicated to that? Easily search for spaces by specific tags and topics

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Get to speak on spaces with topics that interest you

Found a topic that u have been interested in talking about for quite a while now, with spaces lounge easily request to be a speaker even before the space is live. All u need to do is just tell the host why you'd love to be a speaker on their show and we'd deliver it to them for u.

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For Host

Find speakers easily

Frustrated from sending endless mails and messages looking for potential co-hosts, go through a well curated list and find speakers that are knowledge in a topic of ur space.

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Grow your audience

Be relaxed knowing you space would reach your audience with Spaces lounge, we make it broadcast ur scheduled spaces to potential listeners that have added u to there host list and recommend you to listeners with interest in your tags.

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